Safe Driving
For teenagers who are driving or driving with others, safe driving features can be used to monitor their driving behaviors, ensuring they stay within the speed limit, designated boundaries and adhere to safe driving practices.

when your teenager starts driving, you want them to be safe whenever they get behind the wheel. The CyberSafeFamily app offers a safe driving feature that enables parents to be remote from their phone or their computer can set speed limits and monitor how their teen is driving. In addition, CyberSafeFamily’s
Teenage Driver Tracking App gives parents the street name and riding/driving speed so that parents can have a meaningful discussion regarding driving safety.
Many parents fail to realize that a significant threat to their teen’s safety is while driving or riding in a car with other teen drivers. Almost 2,400 teens aged 13–19 lost their lives in car crashes in the year 2019. That is seven teens in a day. The main cause? Inexperienced driving. A teenager dies every hour in road accidents in India; per NGOA 2017 data, the total injuries due to helmetless driving were 35,975 and 36,687 deaths for all categories of two-wheeler driving, according to IndiaTV.
With the Cybersafefamily app, parents can set speed limits and remotely monitor. The Teenage Driver Tracking App will display the street name and the speed on the parent’s phone/web portal. So that you can have a meaningful discussion about safety and the dangers it poses to them and the family.